Tuesday, August 24, 2010


Yesterday, I left Colorado City, Colorado (like you couldn’t have figures that one out on your own) and drove to Grand Junction, Colorado. I had asked about the two interstates 50 & 70. Interstate 50 I was told was a beautiful drive where as 70 was just a freeway. Also I had to backtrack north to Denver to take 70. When I put both routes into my trip planning from AAA the hours of driving were the same – 5 ½ - but 70 was an additional 120 kms. So I decided to take 50 because that is what this trip is about – seeing the back roads. It was a fabulous day – sunny and warm. The scenery was spectacular. There was not very much traffic and certainly no semis. This was going to be a great drive. YEAH, NOT SO MUCH.

Go grab a map and follow along with me, boys & girls!!! From Colorado City I drove north to Pueblo which is a delightful city. I then turned west and I was on 50 which would take me all the way to Grand Junction. Do you have your map ready??? Lovely smooth drive and then I go through Gold Belt Recreation Area where they ski in the winter. To ski you need elevation but this was an easy climb up and a smooth drive down. Then comes Poncha Pass at 9,010 ft. Not so smooth going up and pretty much the same coming down. Then I hit the Rocky Mountains (I am an idiot – where did I think they were) and Monarch Pass which is 11,312 ft. Now you might think that since the last pass was 9,101 ft. that I only needed to drive up the difference of 2,311 ft. WELL, YOU’RE WRONG! I had to drive up the entire 11,312 ft. AND THEN WHAT GOES UP MUST COME DOWN!! Okay, I got that out of the way and now I am on the other side of the Rockies so easy peasy. Except for West Elk Mountains and further along Black Canyon.

By this point, I have been driving for 8 hours and I finally got to within 60 miles of Grand Junction on a nice level stretch when ALL HELL BROKE LOOSE. A guy honked as he passed me and pointed out that I have a tire problem. I pulled over and got out. The truck tires on the driver’s side are good and the truck tires on the passenger side are good and the trailer tires are – HOLY CRAP one of the tires has all the rubber blown off and I am driving on the big rim. I grab my trailer keys and go inside to get the road side assistances information. I have BCAA (thanks to Elaine), I have CoachNet (thanks to the RV dealer) and I have OnStar (this one is all mine). I decide to call CoachNet and just as I start to call their number, a young guy does a U-turn and he stops and tells me he can put on the spare. I collapse with relief and 20 minutes later (and some cash lighter – not that he even asked) I am off. I get a new tire and rim and I finally get to the KOA 9 ½ hours after leaving Colorado City.

The motto is: Some days you’re the bat and some days you’re the ball and, like yesterday, you’re the only fire hydrant in a busy dog park!!!


  1. Oh my! but what a resourceful you! and perhaps next time you can google elevations along your route or even check out the terrain map online and compare it to your AAA map. heck you can even do a distance/time to travel measure by "getting directions" online using both possible routes and plan your trip from that info. git ur kicks on route 66!!! just google it next time before you go...

  2. Oh Momma! Next time put on ur short shorts, a low cut top and a puch up bra. Maybe a nice cowboy will ride over and take u off into the sunset!
    Be safe!!!!!!
